Sunday, 09 Mar , 2025

International Evaluation and Accreditation Union (referred to IEAU, IUEA), which is proposed by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), U.S. Department of Education and U.S. Department of Commerce is the international union organization which is united to impel and establish by many International well-known organization. The headquarter of IEAU is established in the State of Delaware of United States. And the operation for IEAU is by the rule of the international current laws and the USA laws.

● IEAU is the most authoritative international organization for evaluation and accreditation in the whole world at present.
IEAU has attained an overwhelming majority of countries’ admit in the world, and impels to subscribe the department memorandum with various countries’ important leaders actively. It has owned more than 600 high-ranking member institutions and millions of common members presently.

● IEAU owns the most authoritative system for evaluation and accreditation in the whole world.
IEAU owns powerful expert group for evaluation and accreditation which comes from various of associations’ experts, university professors, evaluation institution evaluators, government department consultants and corporation senior managers who are invited and so on. IEAU draws up the system for evaluation and accreditation which has been accepted and carried out by every country.

● IEAU endeavors in propelling the integration for the global education and vocation authentication.
IEAU researches a great many authentication systems and global check-up standards which propel every university’s certification and relative practising certificate of the authentication institution into standardization, scientization, globalization and make the standard of every country’s relative certification tend towards to unity .What’s more, the authentication systems and global check-up standards also pave the base for the global education and vocational qualification system towards all-in-one.

● IEAU endeavors in promoting the development of international trade and personnel market.
IEAU constructs The World Business Network of Famous Enterprise and The World Famous Personage Network which provide every country’s institution platform to communicate and discuss with each other and improve the international popularity of every corporation. Besides, the nets strengthen the friendly cooperation of multination and promote the business development of every corporation group. Futher more, they also provide publicities and employment opportunities for the global high-ranking talents and provide every corporation group with high quality technological talents.

● IEAU endeavors in promoting the harmonious development of international society.
IEAU carries out review aimed at various countries’ government affairs, international relation, people’s well-being affairs, natural ecology. And it also previews the important things that maybe happen. IEAU arouse various countries’ important leaders and people’s attention through testing the social affairs which urges the international society to develop moving along a healthy and harmonious way.

IEAU’S Predecessor

IEAU is mainly combined with International Industrial Union,US Association for Human Resource Management and many other international organization which is the previous incarnation of IEAU.

The development history of US Association for Human Resource Management:
U.S. Professional Center for Management was established in July, 1903, was an underling unit of U.S. Bureau of Human Resources. And it changed the name into U.S. Committee for Human Resource Management in October, 1963. In 1994, because the U.S. passed The NSSA (National Skill Standard Act) and set up The NSSB (National Skill Standards Board) according to this act. By then, the US Committee for Human Resource Management goes towards the management of socialization and changed the name into U.S. Association for Human Resource Management.

The development history of International Industrial Union:
When it was established in April, 1949, it was named International Industry Center for Exchange. Later in January 1992, it was renamed International Industry Association for Exchange and in December, 2002, it was named International Industrial Union.